Climate change and it's Impact on Children's Education.

By: Salomey Barnor.

 Climate change is a global phenomenon that has  captured  the  world's  attention.A   wide   range   of  groups and  industries  can be affected by the  negative   impacts  of climate  change.  This  invasion casts   a   shadow   over  the future of  children's  education  around  the world. 

 Frequent   weather   changes   result  in  droughts  or  floods  in some parts  of   the   country  and during such  times  children  suffer   the   most  as they are  noted us vulnerable.

 When   there is flooding ,   it causes  great   damage to human life. In  such  times,   lives are not just lost but also infrastructures are usually  destroyed. The   infrastructures destroyed  also   includes  school  buildings,  which  exert influence on children's  education.  

During such periods, children stop attending classes for a while until things are put out in place. Rebuilding   this   infrastructure   takes  time  and  further delays  children's   return  to  school  to continue  their   education.  In some cases, the  infrastructure   is  not  maintained,   leading  to  dropouts.  

According to a teacher  at   the  African Unity  School,  the frequent  rains  in the middle of the year caused more  damage  to the  children.   Heavy   rain   was   accompanied   by  storms that tore  off  the roof of the school building.  As   a   result,  the children  stayed  at home for a  while,  which  set  them back  in   their   studies.  He  also  stated that  due   to  the  construction   phase   of   the   building,  students  were merged  together,   creating   a  less conducive environment for  them.  This makes them  feel  uncomfortable and  distracted   during   class,   which  reflects in their results.  

Again, the impact  of  climate change  on  children's  health  also  impacts  their education. Children  suffering   from   illnesses  such as respiratory  illnesses  or  heat-related   illnesses  will be forced to  stay   home  from  school,   leading   to   disruption   in   learning  as they miss out on important learning  content.  

 In   addition,  the occurrence of a drought also  affects   children's   education.   A   drought   is  a  long   dry  period  with little or no  rainfall.   This mostly occurs in the northern part of Ghana and  affects people in  these  regions.  Drought   leads   to  food  shortages  and  limited  access to water.  It  causes  malnutrition,  stunted growth and slow  development in children. The end results of such effects is that children experience fatigue and dehydration which makes it difficult for children to focus in class, hence resulting in academic drawback.

Climate change is causing a huge disruption in children’s education and this calls for the need for urgent action.

#considerchildrenwellbeing    #thefuturegenerationmustcount


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