By: Oparebea Miriam.

 Climate change is an issue that affects us all, but it’s  impact on children, the most vulnerable in societies and countries safety is particularly concerning. As the as the Earth's climate rapidly change rear wheel is a variety in consequence that directly affect the well-being of our younger generation and the future generation.

           Let’s explore the various ways in which climate change poses a risk to children safety and elaborate on the importance of taking action.

            Extreme weather conditions have become the most visible impact of climate change. The increase in scorching days from the Sun, the constant rainfalls and the increase in sea levels are the most talked about impact on climate change. Well these events can have devastating effects on children's safety leading to injuries, displacement and even loss of life. Most refugees in Ghana that are stranded are children. Without being in schools most roam about the street in order to gain money for food purchase. Constant rainfall patterns also creates absenteeism of children in schools.  Parents unsure of their children safety during rainfall open (due to poor drainage system and poor road networks that end up causing flood) resolve to making their children skip school. I'm wondering what they go through this year that has seen rainfall at least in every month

     In terms of food and water security climate patterns have disrupted agricultural system and compromise the above-stated list of malnutrition and hunger have that become glued to some countries. Ghana now does excess importation as compared to exportation will stop again scarcity of clean water sources increase the rate of water-borne diseases.

The increase in direct sun rays have led to the dry up of most accessible water sources for some village leaving most dependent on any water body they come across for you

Consider refugees including children in Ghana and their sanitation and health care issues; how did they resolve them? A question for all to wonder about.

Climate change poses significant risks to children safety affecting the mental well-being physical health and overall development of stuff as a global community let’s all recognize the urgency of addressing climate change.

#considerchildrenwellbeing #thefuturegenerationmustcount


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